Non-responsive theme with Radix 2.x

To create a non-responsive theme with Radix 2.x,

  1. Edit screen.scss in your theme assets directory.
  2. Comment the line @import "compass_radix_responsive";
  3. At a terminal, run compass clean && compass watch.
  4. Flush the cache (optional).

Theming with Profile2


If you are designing a custom template for your user profile pages and are using the Profile2 module, you probably are looking to add your custom fields to the user-profile.tpl.php template. Here is how this can be accomplished.

This assumes that you have a Profile2 profile type called my-profile. You may easily load your fields into your custom user-profile.tpl.php by printing them like this:

Omega 3.x

The following pages only apply to the 3.x version of Omega.

The following pages will explain what Omega 3.x is, how it works and outline established best practices for getting started with your own Omega based subtheme. Please start at the beginning as Omega's approach to theming is different than other themes. If you assume too much you may find complications in understanding how to use Omega. Looking for Omega 4.x documentation? Go here.

Omega 4.x

Should I use 3.x or 4.x?

Whether you should use Omega 4.x or Omega 3.x depends on several considerations:


@TODO - break this down into separate pages.
@ToDo - While most of this is still valid, we need to update this to v3.x.


  • Out of the box Sasson will give you a 960 pixel grid system, you may change grid properties in your theme settings.
  • Sasson gives you a responsive layout - that means your site adapts itself to the browser it is displayed on. you may set the layout breakpoints or disable this behaviour via theme settings.
  • The default responsive layout takes a desktop-first approach, you can go mobile-first with a click in your theme settings.
  • New - Sasson can auto-generate image sprites and matching stylesheets out of a directory of images. under your sub-theme's image directory you'll find 3 directories (horz, vert, and smart), all you need to do is put images inside those directory and call them from your Sass file:
    @import "sprites/DIRNAME";
    .selector {
       @include sprite-DIRNAME-FILENAME;

ADVANCED: Theming Panopoly

Making a Theme for Panopoly

As part of its design, Panopoly is designed to work with any theme! However, there are a few things that you can do to help make Panopoly theming even better.


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