Update Drupal core and contrib modules with Drush and SVN

Drush has integration with SVN which makes it easy to update a module and automatically commit the new version of the code to SVN.
In this example we use Drush to update a fictional module named "modulename" and then commit the changes to SVN along with a commit message for the SVN log:

drush up modulename --svnsync --svncommit --svnmessage="svn commit message."

To update all outdated Drupal core and contrib modules modules:

Drush integration

If you use Drush you will be delighted to learn that Subs integrates with Drush and exposes a number of useful commands:


Executes subs cron script. Use this to execute the subs cron script independently from Drupal's cron:

drush subs-cron

Since Subs uses Drupal 7's Job Queue API, this can be useful, for example, if you want to make sure that all subscriptions get processed quickly.

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Load and view a subscription. This can be useful to quickly load and inspect a subscription. It accepts two parameters: the subscription's id and a boolean indicating if you want to load the full entity information (defaults to false):

drush subs-load 15

Installing a specific version of a project with drush

To download a specific version of a project, specify the project name, followed by a dash, then the version name. The -y argument answers "yes" to any and all prompts.

drush dl og-1.3 # shortcut for pm-download
drush -y en og # shortcut for pm-enable

alternatively, you can have a specific Drupal version's latest release

drush dl og-7.x

or you can specify a specific version:

Quickly disabling and re-enabling a project with drush

To disable and re-enable a project:

drush -y dis PROJECTNAME; drush -y en PROJECTNAME

If you have Devel installed, there is an additional command available; devel-reinstall which will disable, uninstall, and install a list of projects.

drush -y devel-reinstall PROJECTNAME

Installing drush on openSUSE

The easiest way to install drush on openSUSE is to follow the instructions in: Installing Drush On Any Linux Based Server Out There

If you want a (non-pear) packaged drush version for openSUSE One-click install and command line instructions are found below.

Installing Drush on Windows using Cygwin

This is an alternative way to get Drush running on a Windows 7 system using the Cygwin environment. There is existing documentation on installing and running Drush using GnuWin tools and the native Windows shell at: http://drupal.org/node/594744


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