Contact translation

The Contact translation module, part of the Internationalization (i18n) package, helps with the multilingual configuration of the site contact forms.


The Contact translation module has a dependency on the core Contact module.

Related modules

This is a list of additional contributed Drupal 7 modules that extend Drupal's multilingual features:


  • Language Assignment: Lets you set the language of multiple nodes or users at a time.
  • Translation Overview: Provides a comprehensive view of your content translation status.
  • Translation table: UI for quick translation of taxonomies and menus.
  • Taxonomy CSV import/export: A UI / drush tool useful for creating multilingual taxonomies.
  • Translation Management Tool: Provides a tool set for translating content from different sources. The translation can be done by people or translation services of all kinds. It builds on and uses existing language tools and data structures in Drupal and can be used in automated workflow scenarios.

User Interface

Related modules

This is a list of other contributed modules that extend i18n features:

  • Internationalization Helper, Provides more options for synchronizing CCK fields.
  • i18n page views, Provides a views display for which you can select a path for each language.
  • i18n media, Automatically rewrites output HTML media tags (img, object, embed) to use translated versions of media, if files are present on disk.
  • Language Assignment, lets you set the language of multiple nodes or users at a time.
  • Menu translation (Node), allows a single node menu item to point to different node translations belonging to the same translation set depending on the current language.
  • Language Switcher Dropdown, provides a new block with the language switcher as a drop down field.
  • Active Translation, shows original language version of content in listings, if content has no translation yet.
  • tContact, make the site-wide contact form fully translatable.

Adding User Relationships variables to settings.php file to allow for translation

Inserting the following variables into your settings.php will make them available to Drupal's translation system:

/* User_relationships */

Translation redirect

The Translation redirect module, part of the Internationalization (i18n) package, improves search engine optimization (SEO) for multilingual websites. By default, multilingual pages can be accessed via different paths by changing the path prefix or domain. Search engines tend to penalize displaying the same content at more than one URL, so it's important to redirect to a single instance of the page.

The Translation redirect module redirects anonymous users (including web crawlers) to the translation of the page in the requested language, if it exists, using a 301 redirect code. For example, if the request is for /de/node/23 and node/23 corresponds to an English page, the user will be redirected to the German translation of the English node if it exists. If the translation does not exist, then the source node content is displayed.

Note that, by design, translation redirection does not work for the homepage or for authenticated users.

Design and Dependencies

Block languages

The Block languages module, part of the Internationalization (i18n) package, allows you to configure for which languages each block is visible. The settings for visibility per language are provided under Visibility Settings via the Languages tab when configuring a block.

Figure 1

The Languages tab also provides a setting for whether the block is translatable. For custom blocks, the block title and block content will be translatable. For blocks defined by modules, only the block title will be translatable. If Make this block translatable is selected, a Translate tab will appear for that block. This tab provides a UI for adding translations of the block in each available language.

Don't forget to allow your used string format to be translated on admin/config/regional/i18n/strings or you are going to have a error message like The string blocks:block:1:body for textgroup blocks is not allowed for translation because of its text format.

More infos

Conflicts with Context


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