Releases of Drupal contributions that are compatible with version 5.x of Drupal Core

search_autocomplete 5.x-1.0

After a couple of weeks without issues, 1.0 is now considered stable.

/!\ This release does not contain any functionality change or bug fix but just changed from beta to stable. So its up to you to update or not. /!\

Minor changes in typo.

formtips 5.x-1.1

Bug fixes

#1111850: Fixing this for D5. Form tips description hides under fieldset (see attached image)

formtips 5.x-1.0

Bug fixes

This release fixes #1111850: Form tips description hides under fieldset

mail_logger 5.x-1.1

Security update

The module did not previously sanitize the from, to, subject, or body output from a saved email against cross-site scripting attacks.


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