Releases of Drupal contributions that are compatible with version 5.x of Drupal Core

millennium 5.x-2.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

This is very close to a final 2.0 release.

New features since ALPHA1:
#763700 by janusman: Added Reduce multiple AJAX requests for holdings widget for single page.
#762816 by janusman: Added Add holdings info to 'Millennium tools' tab.

#784478 by janusman: Fixed Important setting hidden when no vocabularies available: 'Status messages that mean items are available'.
#813012 by janusman: Fixed user_load() called with wrong arguments.
#795448 by janusman: Fixed Use of variable_set() during cron and other places can cause problems.
#807140 by janusman: Changed Secure any paths that enact admin actions.
#807136 by janusman: Fixed Missing options for fields lcc, title parts and others.
#790706 : Anonymous user gets error "drupal_add_css() not defined"
#790920 : Author taxonomy term is the string "Array"

Other fixes:
Removed commented cache_get() call.
Progress messages from same source but different 1000-item batches during batch processing were overwriting each other
Title comparison during cart import did not contemplate unicode entities in {}
Did not account that max_execution_time could be zero, which derailed cart imports
Added missing files in millennium_enrich submodule
Added @ to mb_strpos() to skip error reporting in fringe cases.
Reorganized tests to eliminate unneeded setup (which takes a long time).


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