Releases of Drupal contributions that are compatible with version 5.x of Drupal Core

node_export 5.x-2.3

Security update

Correctly advises administrators about the PHP access they are giving to users with "import nodes" permission.

signwriter 5.x-1.6

Security update
New features
Bug fixes

#334534 by open-keywords - Various bug fixes
#342284 - Added option to disable display: none for SEO reasons
#342040 by pivica - Fixed typo in a drupal_set_message call
* SECURITY FIX - Fixed a security bug that allows arbitrary PHP code to be executed when using a signwriter
profile as an input filter, leading to a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability.
Any users with the ability to use input filters with signwriter profiles are able to exploit this vulnerability.

formdefaults 5.x-3.x-dev

New features

Adding ability to reset forms and import and export form overides between sites.

admire-orange 5.x-1.6

Bug fixes

mission statement fix
reduce space for website title


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