This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Stained glass Drupal icon panel.

I hope this is allowed...
I have for sale an all handmade stained glass Drupal icon panel for hanging in a sunny window.
This has to be a totally unique item and something different for the Drupal enthusiast.

Only local images are allowed.

DrupalCon Amsterdam - Ticket to Transfer

Hello Drupal community!
I have an earlybird ticket for DrupalCon Amsterdam that I am looking to transfer at earlybird pricing. If you haven't gotten your ticket but are still planning on attending - please contact me to get a ticket for $572 USD instead of $734. Thank you!

Drupal Core Updates

Is it me or does it seem like every other week I am getting a new Drupal core security update available?

Drupal 6 extended support announcement

On February 13, 2008, Drupal 6 was released. The policy of the community is to support only the current and previous stable versions. (When Drupal 6 was released, Drupal 4.7.x was marked unsupported. When Drupal 7 came out, Drupal 5.x was marked unsupported.) This policy was created to prevent core and module maintainers from having to maintain more than 2 active major versions of Drupal.

When will Drupal 8 ship?

According to Dries Buytaert, Drupal founder and lead, "Once we get to 0 critical issues, we'll basically throw a party and release Drupal 8. I don't know exactly when that will be, but I'm guessing it that it maybe early or middle of next year":

Drupal Site Awards


We are all aware of how cool Drupal is when creating sites -- not just in function, but form. It appears someone has started an annual award for Drupal sites/modules/books/events. They are currently voting on this years nominees, but it appears they've started doing this every year, with awards being announced at DrupalCon.

Go check them out and vote for your favorites:


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