This forum is for news and announcements to the Drupal community at large.

Freenode IRC channel problem fixed

On July 5th the #drupal channel on the Freenode IRC network had the freenode webchat gateway silenced. This was not noticed until today (July 29th). The block has been removed and information is flowing as designed. We apologize to all users who came through the webchat and were not heard in the room. If you are not getting a response in a particular channel feel free to try look in other channels such as #drupal-contribute where we gather to make Drupal better (come join us) or #drupal-support (where the more involved support queries get discussed).

Hearst's LMK uses Drupal to create Facebook, iPhone and Android apps

Hearst has incubated a startup to prove that multichannel publishing can be both cost-effective and profitable.

LMK, which stands for "Let Me Know" is "a startup within a large enterprise," says Christina Bender, senior director of product and project management at The division is fast, nimble, and taking a unique approach to the app environment. Instead of trying to figure out how to make apps for Hearst's brands, the group has figured out how to develop apps in a scalable and cost-effective manner.

Achva College (Israel) - public tender for the development of its WebSite in Drupal.

Achva College (Israel) is happy to announce that it has put out a public tender for the development of its WebSite in Drupal.
The Public tender can be viewed (in Hebrew) at:

(Only Israeli companies can participate in this Public Tender)

Peled Ben-Yair
Achva College
Israel for all french speaking in the World is an online community (Social Network) for all drupal users that speak french "Drupal pour les francophones". powered by Open Trium (

Our goal is to make Drupal more popular in Africa, our company "ABYA Media" located in Morocco (Technopark Casablanca with over 420 it companies from France to Japan).

We use Drupal for all our projects and we make a lot of promotion to the web agencies to use Drupal, already we have the 1st newspaper in Morocco "Almassae" that use Drupal, and some others, governement project also turn to Drupal.

We will organise the first Drupal Meeting in Morocco Casablanca "Technopark" and we will offer a free training/presentation for Drupal. will be an online community for Drupal around the french speaking people around the world and we will provide help to the new users/webmaster, free consulting for association etc. will also provide tutorials for the popular modules and make installation profile, creating and converting themes, case studies in french, documentations etc

We are in preparation for Ramadan here in Morocco, and we will make it a month for Drupal. We help everyone that want to convert to Drupal.

Many people ask me about the right to use in domain name as its a trade mark of Dries Buytaert.

Take a look at

Drupal Site in First Lady Michelle Obama's "Apps for Healthy Kids" contest

Break pal - Fitness at Your Desk ( An online workplace wellness application built using drupal and adobe air has been accepted into First Lady Michelle Obama's " Apps for healthy kids competition.

The competition is to inspire application developers to develop utilities or games which inspire kids and adults to eat healthier and develop better exercise habits. Break Pal does both by reminding users to exercise at intervals and then delivers office safe micro-workouts right to the desktop.

DrupalCon Copenhagen: Initial program

After reviewing 240 sessions submitted for the conference, the track chairs, the Copenhagen team and the Drupal Association are proud to present the DrupalCon Copenhagen program.

The total of 94 sessions is made up of 83 regular sessions, 6 platinum sponsor sessions, 3 keynotes and 2 rounds of lightning talks.

The session selection accounts for many factors including attendee votes, addressing the breadth of interests of DrupalCon attendees, and providing a balanced and compelling program. For example, some sessions were picked because they were essential for introducing new developers to Drupal, other sessions were selected because they present important local Drupal business cases, etc.

If you proposed a session that didn't make it into the program, please consider presenting it at the Unconference on August 23rd or run it as a Birds of a Feather session. We will be adding more information about these options to the website in the coming weeks.

You can either see the sessions selected for each track below, or take a look at the program overview. Please bear in mind that this is not the final program and that sessions are likely to be moved around as we refine it.


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