ctools 6.x-1.15

Bug fixes

This is an incremental bugfix release for ctools, particularly for newer versions of php 5. (5.4+)

ctools is now in bug and security only maintenance mode. Any future feature requests should be made in the 7.x or preferably, the 8.x branch.

Changes since 6.x-1.14:

smart_ip 6.x-2.42

Bug fixes

Issue #2545210 by fago, joelpittet: Smart IP disables page cache regardless of settings
Issue #2533890 by martins.bertins: No results when using Maxmind web service
Issue #2510208 by ezeedub: Add hook_smart_ip_user_save()
Issue #2532978: Fixed smart_ip_debug=TRUE always return the IP detected by the server and not the user defined IP at smart_ip_test_ip_address issue.
Issue #2417179 by arpeggio: Call to undefined function geoip_open()
Issue #1207582 by arpeggio: Add condition if Openlayers Proximity is installed.


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