directory 6.x-1.0-alpha1

This is the first D6 compatible version of directory.module.

Drupal 6 version vs. Drupal 5 version

Directory.module for Drupal 6 is in many ways very different from the Drupal 5 version.

The main difference is that with Drupal 6, directory module does not handle the display of nodes anymore. It now relies on core's taxonomy module to do the job.

There are two implications:
1) The paths like directory/nnn where nnn was a term ID no longer exist. Instead, the main directory page links to taxonomy/term/nnn pages.
2) The first point means that the way the node teasers are displayed has completely changed. In D5 directory, the node display was broken at best. In D6, we rely on taxonomy to display teasers just like they would be displayed on the front page.

The taxonomy page is themeable, so if you wish to have a different look for the node listing, you can change it at the theme level. See the theming documentation about this.

The work for a stable Drupal 6 release of directory is still ongoing. There are still some serious bugs to fix, and new cool features to be added. D6 directory is still in alpha stage. However, it should be stable enough to use on a small site with not too many taxonomy terms.

js_theming 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

Trunk (HEAD) version of the release. Used to develop new features.

weblinks 6.x-1.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Fixed the add group problem. Minor fixes and additions from alpha10.

print 6.x-1.0-rc4

New features
Bug fixes

Added capability to send a user-defined message with the send by e-mail function.
Self configure TCPDF
Add path-based visibility options to all modules
Fix #257900: Add capability to use different templates for PDF, mail, etc.
Add ability to configure PDF paper size and page orientation
Add ability to specify customised classes to the PF links

To make the job easier for themers, added access to the $node var inside the template
Updated all translations
Misc fixes from the coder module
With the new agreement between the major search engines, robots=nocache is obsolete
Set PDF version to 1.6 (Acrobat 7.x)
Use own panel in node type edit form, instead of workflow and comment panels.
Minor code documentation fixes
Simplify CSS inclusion code a bit.
Small improvements to the PDF admin functions
Separate open in new window option, so that PDF and web versions can have different settings
Use the template a bit more when using the TCPDF tool.
Make the title in the template be a heading 1.
Misc changes to PDF processing
Add aux vars print['node'] and print['url']
Fix the 'Show book link' option in the PDF version module
Fix the display of links to PF pages and PDF in individual comments
Correct display of README.txt in the help
Restore the print_fill_attributes function
Remove the greybox and thickbox selection

devel 6.x-1.10

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-9:

pathologic 6.x-1.1-beta8

Bug fixes

An incorrect .info file appears to have been included with the Beta 7 release.


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