job_posting 6.x-1.9

New features

#272312 by gmarus: added the ability to enable/disable job application processing for each job posting node on create/edit so you can have some postings that are effectively 'information only'
#311972 by gmarus: added Dutch translation generously provided by ainigma32 ( Thanks!
- a couple of minor bug fixes

guitar 6.x-1.0

New features

First stable release of the Guitar module.

Guitar chords inserted as a CCK field can now be validated for a number of strings, and a maximum number of frets.

geouser 6.x-1.5-beta

New features

New features added: Google Ajax Map can be choosen to display on user's page instead of Yahoo PNG Map.

image_fupload 6.x-0.4-alpha3

Bug fixes

Yeah, the third alpha Release of Image FUpload is online now.
I'm sorry that you have to update so often in the last 2 days because of some conflicts in CVS. Now, it should be fixed, I hope.

Important Information

There's no need to execute "update.php" in this case if it is updated from a previous version of this module! Only the plugin files which can be downloaded at have to be put in "swfupload" subdirectory. For more information, see project page.


file_force 6.x-1.1-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

More correct operation. Other modules' implementations of hook_file_download() are respected. Mad thanks to chx for helping me get this release out when I was having trouble with CVS.

similarterms 6.x-1.8

Bug fixes

Fix for 1.7 were teaser / title only option was backwards.


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