xstandard 6.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

#223658 by marqpdx: Teaser break tag is now inserted properly.

openid_ax 6.x-1.2-alpha3

Bug fixes

Header already sent issue! Extra line at the eof openid_ax.inc

An alpha release of SoC project OpenID Attribute Exchange Implementation.
This version supports:
proper fetch_response to a fetch_request.
Store_response to store_request. (Not properly tested)

Things TO DO
Security issues
XRDS issues

filebrowser 6.x-2.0-rc4

Bug fixes

Fixed errors thrown during cron runs.
Added correct schema info for private downloads.

submenutree 6.x-1.3

New features

Added new feature: Extended primary links block.

The Extended primary links block extends the primary links menu into a block.

In other words, the Extended primary links block selects the menu designated as the primary links menu and displays the rest of that menu (ie. from the second or third level downwards) in a block.

If no primary links menu exist, it will use the secondary links menu if that exists.

openid_ax 6.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Fixed a return issue bug which was there in alpha1 release

An alpha release of SoC project OpenID Attribute Exchange Implementation.
This version supports:
proper fetch_response to a fetch_request.
Store_response to store_request. (Not properly tested)

Things TO DO
Security issues
XRDS issues

openid_ax 6.x-1.0-alpha1

New features


An alpha release of SoC project OpenID Attribute Exchange Implementation.
This version supports:
proper fetch_response to a fetch_request.
Store_response to store_request. (Not properly tested)

Things TO DO
Security issues
XRDS issues


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