Adds working template files for books, movies, software, and other media types, fixes a number of minor bugs, and generally moves us much closer to a final release candidate.
The essence of imagefield, condensed in less than 200 lines of code. Requires FileField 6.x-1.0-beta1 or later (or maybe not later but exactly, can't tell for sure yet).
Known issues:
- file preview doesn't work before saving the node when operating with private files
- thousands of nice imagefield features not implemented
Apart from that, I think this module rocks. You should definitely try it out on your development site (but yet keep it far away from anything involving production use).
Very similar to alpha3, only with a bit more polish (style fixes from Coder, E_NOTICE fixes, CSS fixes, potential minor bug fixes) and the return of hook_filefield(), in a different form though. The main feature of this release is therefore feature parity with the Drupal 5 version (disregarding the one or other minor exception), which was my precondition to go from alpha to beta.