k2 6.x-1.x-dev

This first Drupal 6 version is based on K2 Release Candidate 6 for WordPress. The additions from 5.x version include

  • adjust width based on number of sidebars. (It supports 0, 1 or 2 sidebars)
  • highlight comments made by post's author

To Do:

  • clean up CSS and remove WordPress plug-ins specifics

fckeditor 6.x-1.3-beta

New features
Bug fixes

It's time to publish changes from the 6.x-1.x-dev. Use it at your own risk (remember it's still beta), anyway it should be much better than 6.x-1.2-1 so please give it a try and report any problems you find.

-- 2008-06-23 version 6.x-1.x-dev
* #241271: Creation of extraneous <p>&nbsp;</p> fixed creation of extra <p> tags (removed dirt hacks for IE, experimental)
* Warning: CCK: FCKeditor will now appear on fields of Text type if "Minimum rows" in FCKeditor profile is set to 1 (default).
* Fixed #263491: Not translatable strings: "Not translatable strings"

-- 2008-06-20 version 6.x-1.x-dev
* #269653: Warning Page before deleting a profile added warning page before deleting a profile
* #272834: Image Assist Integration + FCKeditor 6.x-1.x-dev fixed Image Assist integration problems. Warning: if you're using Image Assist, remember to copy the new img_assist_fckeditor.js file to modules/img_assist/img_assist_fckeditor.js
* improved method of adding automatically showblock buttons to the tooblar to prevent errors such like #213950: Odd Behavior in IE 7

-- 2008-06-19 version 6.x-1.x-dev
* #207845: Unknown toolbar item "DrupalPageBreak" and "PageBreak" fixed issues with unknown toolbar item "DrupalPageBreak" and "PageBreak"
* added Swedish translation
* #271153: Problem with integrated IMCE fixed IMCE + default state of editor "disabled" issues

-- 2008-05-23 version 6.x-1.x-dev
* added German translation
* #261477: Fck editor and SymLinked installations file browser should work in symlinked installations
* #261487: FCK Specific Style - Path to theme (%t) not functioning %t variable now points to the right place

google_cse 6.x-1.1

New features
  • Add README;
  • Add SiteSearch functionality;
  • Make AdSense format configurable;
  • Move po to translations;
  • Add new Google CSE search module which integrates with core Search module;
  • Add some advanced settings related to internationalization;
  • Add uninstall and requirements hooks; and
  • Remove "Co-op" branding which seems to have fallen out of favor at Google.

Please test and report any bugs to the issue queue.


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