views 6.x-2.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

This beta release includes a few forgotten features or features I didn't have time for, or features submitted by users that were too good to pass up. Plus, a lot more of the help files are written, if badly.

Specifically: comment RSS, major updates to exposed filters, a bunch of new default views, important fixes for node language filter, taxonomy term with depth argument, argument defaults to try and get 'node' and 'user' ids automatically from the URL, and a whole bunch more I have forgotten.

In case you think I haven't been busy:

pubcookie 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fixed #260382 Pubcookie admin interface doesn't appear.
Removed PHP notice when viewing admin interface on non-pubcookie-eligible domain (e.g. local dev box).

iui 6.x-1.0

First official release of the iUI Drupal Theme for Drupal 6.


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