rotor 6.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

Fixed issue when loading for IE6.
Fixed initial all contents showing.
This version now optionally works with imagecache 2 (no official release for drupal 6 yet)

gravatar 6.x-1.1

Initial release of the Drupal Drupal 6.x compatible branch.

rotor 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fix a delay between the display of every content.
The problem was a class name duplicated that was causing the jquery script not to work properly.

lootz 6.x-1.x-dev

- Added a style sheet to remove default Drupal styling of tbody
- Added a lootz.css style sheet to add item quality colors (uncommon,
rare and epic)
- Added a lootz_hook_quality_lookup() for checking the quality of


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