marinelli 6.x-1.7

New features
Bug fixes

Fixed Bugs:

  • Ordered lists bug
  • repeated icons for taxonomy terms in node-preview
  • wrong order of parameters in page.tpl.php
  • rotating banners issue (thanks to dchapiesky

New features

  • Taxonomy term pages are now nicely formatted

fckeditor 6.x-1.2-1

Bug fixes

Hotfix release for 6.x-1.2.

  • fixed #240608: removed javascript errors on fields without teaser break
  • fixed issue with default list of fields where simplified toolbar should appear (Global Profile)

jstools 6.x-1.x-dev

In D6 jstools is a simple helper module. All additional modules previously included with jstools are either being moved to their own projects or retired.

formfilter 6.x-1.x-dev

Release based on HEAD. Includes Formfilter UI, providing a user interface for filtering forms.

activeedit 6.x-1.x-dev

Working towards a D6 version. This is a stripped down to essentials version of the module. Only for demo purposes at present. From there I may find time to add back in some of the features I've removed, or else pass this project on to someone with some fresh ideas.


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