condition 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Fixed bug that caused incorrect TRUE when condition was checked for 2nd time

apply_for_role 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Apply for role for Drupal 6. This release includes bug fixes and new features thanks to vv75 and zmove. Please upgrade if you are using a previous version. Also, keep an eye out for another release with more new features, coming soon.

splash 6.x-2.1

New features

New features:

  • Replaced GreyBox by ThickBox (supports iFrame for external URLs now and looks better).
  • Also works with images als splash URL (great when using ThickBox!).
  • Set the width and height of the window or ThickBox.

charts 6.x-0.1

New features

The very first ALPHA release.

You will find:
* Drupal core administration charts
* Google Chart API and Open Flash Chart integration
* Simple data schema

You will not find:
* CCK and Views integration
* FusionCharts integration
* Complex data schema


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