user_relationships 6.x-1.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Bug fixes:
Error while approving pending requests:
Display problems with certain blocks and pages

SQL optimization
Use Drupal's built in handler db_placeholders
Renamed everything to create a smaller footprint on the modules administration page

New Features:
User Relationship Elaborations

bbcode 6.x-1.1

No changes since bbcode 6.x-1.0. I'm just trying to get the D6 release listed on the project page.

contemplate 6.x-0.3

New features
Bug fixes

fixed many bugs, see cvs notes, and added ability to delete template

vertigo 6.x-1.x-dev

Drupal 6 release of the Vertigo theme, more changes to come but the same functionality should be there as Drupal 5.


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