autologout 6.x-1.0-beta

New features
Bug fixes

Automated Logout has been ported to Drupal core 6. We have moved to using Javascript Countdown Timer for the countdown block, this has fixed the problem with IE not displaying the page. Therefore to view the countdown block you must have Javascript Countdown Timer installed and configured. We would appreciate hearing about any bugs you may find.

sky 6.x-1.1

Initial release for Drupal 6. Please note: There is no support for Advanced Forum module in Drupal 6 yet, so please do not attempt to use it with this version of the theme.

schema 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

#202385: Don't warn about data types for tables not in Drupal's schema.
#215198: Handle table prefixes.

cs 6.x-1.5

New features

This is a stable release of Drupal 6 Czech translation.

New features:
- Many users asked about turning register_globals off. Created an article: and linked to this article from relevant string translation

Toto je stabilní vydání českého překladu Drupalu 6.

urllist 6.x-1.0

Just a straight upgrade to support Drupal 6. No new features from 5.x-2.0.


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