access_policy 1.0.0-beta8

Bug fixes
New features


  • #3421025 by partdigital: Add support for more entity types.
  • Add support for on_change dynamic assignment.

Bug fixes:

  • Joining data tables when querying against base fields can cause a fatal error.
  • getHandlersFromPolicies sometimes returns no results.
  • Sometimes user fields would be allowed when they should not.


sticky_local_tasks 2.0.0-alpha1

Bug fixes
New features

If upgrading from 1.x note that the display options are different. Instead of overriding the normal display of local tasks, it requires you to choose where and how you want the sticky tasks displayed. See the README for more details on usage.

media_pdf_thumbnail 6.1.0-rc1

New features

- Usage of Streamwrapper to handle pdf files to differentiate local and remote file storage.
- Extends Pdf class of spatie/pdf-to-image library in order to be able to generate choosen page without loading the whole file causing performance issue in heavy pdf file.
- Some minor fixes

scheduler 2.0.2

Bug fixes
New features

Scheduler 2.0.2 is compatible with Drupal core 8, 9 and 10 up to 10.3

c2pa_sign 1.0.1

New features

change to make using a remote signer (like a Key Management Service) possible - see C2PA Sign AWS KMS

Contributors (0)


Issues: 0 issues resolved.

Changes since 1.0.0:


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