i talked a lot about this in http://drupal.org/node/74995, the issue that led to putting project_issue.module into its own module. however, due to time constraints and more urgent tasks, i never had a chance to really complete this. currently, project_issue.module still absolutely depends on project.module. however, i'd love to be able to attach an issue tracker to any kind of node type on your system. in particular, you should be able to define your own custom "project" node type via CCK and still attach an issue tracker to that. however, it'd also be slick for a beefy personal todo list (once profiles are nodes), whatever you want. just like OG lets you define any node type you want to be a "group" node, we should allow you to define any node type you want to be a "project" as far as project_issue.module is concerned.


drewish’s picture

subscribing. i'm all for this change.

dww’s picture

Title: allow issue tracker to attach to arbitrary node types, not just projects » convert project* to CCK
Project: Project issue tracking » Project
Version: 5.x-2.x-dev » x.y.z
Priority: Normal » Critical

This is fundamentally about converting all of project* to use CCK. Projects, issues, and releases should all be CCK node types. The modules should just provide special fields, like "CVS directory" for projects, and "CVS tag" for releases, "version" for issues and releases, and a set of default node types and views defined. Then, you just use a trivial int CCK field as a checkbox on the admin UI, which the default views for selecting possible projects when creating issues would honor.

If we did this before the D6 port, we'd get views support for free. It's also a much larger change, and perhaps more prone to introducing bugs. But, it's probably worth it.

jpetso’s picture

I'm like this, it's very much the direction that project* should go. The question is, will we be able to get it done timely? What is the estimated difference in effort between this and the non-CCK Views integration approach?

aclight’s picture

I haven't used CCK a bunch, so this may be a silly question. But it's my understanding that only part of CCK is in core, and as far as I know the rest of it isn't running on d.o. We already have permission to run Views on d.o, but do we also have permission to run CCK + whatever additional field type modules (if any) we'd need to do the conversion properly?

moshe weitzman’s picture

Seems like a good direction to me. We'd really need to start writing code to know if it really works well. These kind of changes need to be tried in order to understand them. You can get half way through and decide that the hacks you are introducing are worse than the ones you are removing.

As for drupal.org, I think it is plausible that we run a separate site, project.drupal.org, which uses opensearch to integrate search results with drupal.org. we'd ideally unify login as well which is on my long term project list for the Association.

nedjo’s picture

This is a daunting but probably a necessary task. We should look at whether and how we can divide it between a number of developers. I will be happy to take a piece.

Casetracker http://drupal.org/project/casetracker serves as an example that likely we could learn from. This may be an opportunity to merge project.* with casetracker.

A starting place could be mapping our existing fields to CCK equivalents. This will help identify what is covered by existing CCK functionality and what still needs to be developed.

To the extent that we can separate out distinct field types that we need, we'll be able easily to divide up work as a new field type is a discrete task.

Even if we go the custom node type approach (any node type can be a project), we'll need to choose between a pure CCK approach (all fields are CCK or core node) or following the approach of designating a node type as having a set of properties (as is done e.g. by OG) and continuing to store some of our field values in custom tables.

Some potential dev pieces:

  1. Automate importing of CCK content types with associated fields. I recently worked on something related, http://drupal.org/node/196468.
  2. Two-step nodereference selection. If we use nodereference to link issues to their projects, we need to select the nodereference value before bringing up an issue form as the available fields need to be drawn from the nodereference.
  3. Parent fields. Issues need to draw on fields associated with a parent (e.g., component). We need at the least a way to instruct child-node fields (e.g., project issue) to draw available options from parent nodes, possibly based on a nodereference relationship.
  4. Field actions. In some cases we attach specific logic to the value of a field selection (e.g., conditionally change state value on cron). Can we generecize a method for attaching actions to values for CCK fields?
drewish’s picture

dww, so are you proposing that project would provide additional CCK fields? or just default node definitions?

dww’s picture

@drewish: depends on need. I'm assuming we're going to need an additional CCK field like "CVS identifier" with all kinds of special mojo. actually, that'd probably come from versioncontrol_project. we might also need a value-added field for version strings that are composed of sub-parts in their own fields, so we can do the funky branch-specific stuff, etc. or, maybe the version string is a computed field comprised of the individual version elements which are just plain old int/text fields? unless there were clean ways to do it already, we might need a special fieldtype for issue status so we could get various kinds of functionality working (coloration of table rows, autoclosing, perms?, etc). I'm not nearly as familiar with the internals of CCK as I am with views, so there's a lot I don't yet know about how this would actually have to work...

drewish’s picture

i think that there are a lot of wins from using cck. i just worry that when people start mucking about with the node types, it'll become a support nightmare... "how do i undelete the cvs identifier field?" etc.

moshe weitzman’s picture

Eaton is working on module defined node types complete with fields which can be locked. That work may or may not make it into the next version of CCK.

I pondered this some more and I really don't see how this is a good idea right now given our need to upgrade drupal.org. I'd say we should bite the bullet and make our custom properties like issue status available to Views or even postpone the Views powered upgrade to the same time as CCK upgrade.

dww’s picture

Priority: Critical » Normal
Status: Active » Postponed

Yeah, the more I contemplate what a huge change this is, the less wise it seems right now. My initial reaction at http://groups.drupal.org/node/6180#comment-21600 was probably the right one. ;)

I think CCK-ifying project* will have to happen another time -- we've already got way too much work to do before a 6.x-1.0 release as it is.

Alas. Oh well. At least we'll have something to work on in the 6.x-2.* development series. ;)

webchick’s picture

Hm. This is too bad. I worry that this might be written off a bit too soon. The "Views integration for free" thing is nothing to take lightly at all, and it seems like it would eliminate a lot of the existing feature requests about wanting to change the what statuses are supported, etc. We could also leverage generic modules that are able to work with general CCK stuff. AFAIK, 'module-defined node types' already works in CCK. We could potentially get the default Views working under 5.x with CCK and then they would magically port... perhaps. ;)

I might see if I can hack away at this over xmas break just for kicks. No promises, though. :P

dylanclear’s picture

subscribing. we are looking for this as well.

- Dylan Clear, Advomatic

markfoodyburton’s picture

Sorry, just put a longish comment on http://groups.drupal.org/node/6180 which should really have gone here I think - anyway, cross-posting. (Dont get your hopes up it's not "all done", but I think I have some +ve news for future implementations of some of this stuff).

lunarisbluemoon’s picture

Well if no-one else will then I'll take a crack at writing a new Project* from CCK alone. Don't worry; I won't be cluttering up Drupal.org with yet-another-implementation-request but if I get anywhere with it I'll let you all know :)

Nothing like the care-free-horrible-code attitude of a student with free time :)

markfoodyburton’s picture

Thats what I reported on in my last post -
Thats exactly what I've just done.

I'm in the middle of debugging it now with a colleague - could always do with help of course :-)

lunarisbluemoon’s picture

Apologies mark for my downright ignorance of your post. I would be happy to have a look at it; keep me posted :)

markfoodyburton’s picture

No worries...

Contact me direct if you want some more about what I'm trying to do....
And I can get you a login etc.

Todays problem is getting apache to play nicely with autogenerated authz and passwd files.




webchick’s picture

If you would post a patch here (even if it's still very much in progress), it'd be a lot easier for everyone to help!

markfoodyburton’s picture


I am trying to post patches as I go...
right now, I think the outstanding things are really the new modules (og_gpromote and svn)... I'll post them as soon as I get to some sort of stable state - hopefully early next week - please bug me if not :-)

The help I need is more getting it all together on my web site - I'm thinking that's really down to me :-(



dww’s picture

Please don't post another SVN module. ;) There are already two there (http://drupal.org/project/subversion and http://drupal.org/project/svn), and they're both about to be superceeded by the http://drupal.org/project/versioncontrol API module and submodules for each backend (e.g. http://drupal.org/project/versioncontrol_svn once that exists). Thanks.

markfoodyburton’s picture

Ok, no worries...
Oh, wow, I did look at the old subversion module, and started form there, but didn't get too far - didn't know about the svn module - sorry - had I know, I'd have offered to pitch in there!

I wont post the SVN, but it may be worth having a look to see what I've done, and if there is anything helpful there. At a guess, there wont be, the only "nice" feature of SVN that I do think should be made available is the "extern" mechanism.

My "svn" module is actually 3 modules... an svn module which handles authz/passwd files (or tries to - I've got loads of bugs that I'm fixing in that bit) This has a load of setup features for setting up new repos etc etc... and critically asks which groups (OG) should have what sort of access to which repos - and from that, I generate the authz/passwd files

Next there are modules to hold the repo and "release path" on the Group home pages.

The svn module trawls through to find all groups nodes with these special CCK field types on them, and then processes from there - if you follow me.

In the end, this seems a nice flexible way of doing things, but - in the end, I'm guessing each person, which each SVN environment is going to want something slightly different. I think the more "kit like" we can make the SVN set up the better.

dww’s picture

Hence, http://drupal.org/project/versioncontrol. Please start there. Everything else is dead, unloved code.

rcross’s picture

subscribing - I could really use this ALOT!

markfoodyburton’s picture

This repeats much of what I've said here: http://groups.drupal.org/node/6180

I want to emphasis one thing. Setting this up was EASY. The result is a "just the way I
want it" project management system.

From my side, I now have everything (almost) I need working. One small "nice to have" left.

To re-cap, if you want to do this at home - AND YOU CAN - it's about an hours work:

  • Set up a cck type for a project. Put any fields you like in there, that are relevant to your
    projects. You can have any number of different types of project too.
  • Make the project types home pages for organic groups. Configure OG the way you want it. Personally, I
    wanted hierarchies of membership of my projects, so that a "user group" (not a project, but an
    organic group) can be "subscribed" to a project - see og_gpromote - I also wanted mail lists
    (og2list), etc. this is bread and butter setting up drupal the way you want it stuff, so shouldn't
    be too hard
  • There are, as far as I am aware 2 aspects of project* which are important
    1. SVN/CVS integration and releases The issue here is that there are several mechanisms to do
      it. I've written a module that "works for me", but in doing so - while I tried to keep my module
      general, my conclusion is that SVN integration is going to be a "site by site" thing.

      I have complete control over my server, and my server runs the svn stuff - I can, therefore, read/write
      to authz/passwd files, etc etc... run svn commands directly, etc..

      Thats not the case for all/many

      And, indeed, each svn repo I've seen is set up just slightly differently. So, if your situation
      sounds like mine, by all means get in touch, and I can send you my code. Meanwhile, please track
      the other SVN related projects. All I can say is that the current project* set of modules did not
      help me much with SVN anyway.

      If your SVN mechanism supports it, and it's appropriate to you, you can set up a content type for
      releases, and include a list of releases as a view field on your projects. In my case, "releases"
      are actually tags in a specific SVN repo, so my SVN module provides a way of listing those as a
      cck field.

    2. issue tracking Issue tracking turned out to be trivial and eligant with views and cck. Simply
      set up a content type to hold an issue. Add things like severity, type, description, etc - I also
      added a second type to hold a "use case", and provided a node-reference link in my issue to a use
      case. Personally, I also wanted owner, and %done, and expected time and stuff like that.

      Crucially, add a node reference to the project type.

      Build a view that takes as arguments the NID of the project, and the type of issue.
      Now, in the project type, add a computed field (A great way of including arbitary text and links
      in your page), In that computed field, add links to your view, using the NID and type as arguments

      Since this is perhaps the only "difficult" step, I've included the code I've used

      $node_field[0]['value'] = '<a href=/todo?filter0=**ALL**&filter1%5B%5D=**ALL**&filter2%5B%5D='.$node->nid.'>All</a><br>'.
      '<a href=/todo?filter0=**ALL**&filter1%5B%5D=bug+report&filter2%5B%5D='.$node->nid.'>Bugs</a><br>'.
      '<a href=/todo?filter0=**ALL**&filter1%5B%5D=support+request&filter2%5B%5D='.$node->nid.'>Support Requests</a><br>'.
      '<a href=/todo?filter0=**ALL**&filter1%5B%5D=feature+request&filter2%5B%5D='.$node->nid.'>Features Requests</a><br>';

      The view I set up has a url "/todo". It has several filters. "filter2" is the node ID of the
      project, and "filter1" is the type of issue. You should make your view how you want it, and use it -
      you will soon find out which filters do what.

In the end, I have a group page for each project, each project has forums, an email list, issue
tracking and svn integration. I use "books" as documentation, and any book "published" in the group
arrives on the home page as documentation. Thats what I wanted, and it really was easy to set up
with Drupal.

Hope this helps, and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you want my SVN models.

webchick’s picture

Btw, when we do this, I'd like to see us also allow multiple CCK types to be flagged as "project" types, similar to how OG works.

This would allow us to add totally different fields to modules than we do for themes and different yet again from translations. It would also allow us to make the project pages look different from one another ("Link to videocast" might make sense for a module; probably not so much for a translation.. but a translation might want a "string completion" graph that's prominent). Additionally, it would allow us to create theme listings that are more visual than the standard module listings. And a bunch of other really nice things. :D

markfoodyburton’s picture

Maybe this would be best of all worlds? (OG-like nomination of which content types should be projects).
From my point of view, what I have 'lost' by not using the projects module, I have more than gained by the flexibility of re-implementing it with CCK, and og-forums.....

agentrickard’s picture

Status: Postponed » Active

Brief note -- busy today.

It is worth noting that I was able to clone a very large portion of Project* in D6 with other modules: CCK, Views, Comment CCK, Comment Upload, Notifications. The only pieces of Project that we might need in D6 are Project Release, CVS, and some form_alter() goodness for multi-stage issue forms and the AJAX elements on comment changes.

The problem with that approach is that it introduces multiple module dependencies. However, it might be for the best in the long run, since it will allow us to focus only on the version-control specific items.

Do we have a good test server somewhere to sandbox this installation, or should I see if we can get one running?

dww’s picture

It is worth noting that I was able to clone a very large portion of Project* in D6 with other modules

Indeed, this comes as no surprise.

The problem with that approach is that it introduces multiple module dependencies. However, it might be for the best in the long run, since it will allow us to focus only on the version-control specific items.

Right, that's no problem at all. ;) My/our goal with project* for a long time has been removing custom code and replacing it with general purpose modules that a) are better supported and b) more widely used.

The big question is the upgrade path. That needs to be rock solid before anything like this can seriously get off the ground.

Do we have a good test server somewhere to sandbox this installation, or should I see if we can get one running?

We don't have a good test server right now for this. Both scratch.d.o and project.d.o are in use for testing other things. If you've got the means to put up a test server of your own somewhere, that'd be great. Thanks!

agentrickard’s picture

Well, the issue with a test server is the CVS integration piece. I'll see what we can do when Crell gets back in the office next week.

dww’s picture

Ok, I can also see what we can do about getting another project.d.o test clone up in another VM. We're going to have to do a bunch of that for the d.o redesign, so we might as well get that process streamlined now. ;)

That said, it'd be easy for me to make a (giant) tarball of the contrib CVS repo and get that to you for another test site...

agentrickard’s picture

Right, but I don't know that we have any CVS admins available to help. I certainly can't.

dww’s picture

/me knows a little something about that. ;) But sure, it might be easier if we do this on a server I've already got root on. I'll look into the *.d.o test site clone thing and see where we're at...

gengel’s picture


Aren Cambre’s picture


carlos8f’s picture


Aren Cambre’s picture

So just want to confirm: is the current direction to mostly devolve Project* to delivered modules, more like a recipe of other modules?

dww’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed

Not exactly, no. The current plan is to finish up the 6.x-1.0 blockers, release 6.x-1.0, and then port Project*, basically exactly as it is, to the D7 core API (DBTNG, etc), but not to the core Field API (yet), for the 7.x-1.0 release. Ideally in the next month or two. Then, once d.o is happily running D7 and the dust settles, we'll convert Project* to the D7 core FieldAPI in a 7.x-2.* series.

I don't think it's ever going to go away to become just a recipe of other modules. At the very least, there are going to be a ton of default views (like there are now). And, even if it's all Field API based, there's a lot of magic in Project* that's still going to require custom code...

Marking this postponed again until we have a 7.x-1.0 release (or at least a beta or RC that's running on d.o).

Aren Cambre’s picture

Configuration Management, Automation & Features could define a path towards CCK support by simplifying this module and instead using functionality already present in other modules.

drumm’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
Status: Postponed » Closed (won't fix)

CCK would not be a good move today.