Contextual Example

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Hover over nodes, blocks, and views blocks to expose styled edit/configure/delete tabs.

Contextual Links 2.x

Backport of contextual.module (Drupal 7)

Contextual Links 1.x

- See it in Action

Ported from Admin 1.x. This feature was discontinued in Admin 2.x and Admin 1.x is no longer supported.

Similar Modules

  • Admin Links - Displays action links next to node/teaser "links" div
  • Block Edit - Unstyled list of action links when hovering.
  • Admin:hover - Displays icons with action links when hovering.
  • Administer Tool Tip - Adds little icons to all entities (node, block, view, user) which are visible on mouseover. You can click on them to open a tool tip where all kinds of functionality exists such as block position settings, links to edit the entity and statistic information.

Project information
