Media gallery picker's wysiwyg button
Media gallery picker's wysiwyg window
Media gallery picker outcome


This module creates a filter and a Wysiwyg plugin so that content editors could embed Media Gallery images as link for the gallery.



  1. Download Media Gallery module and that dependencies
  2. Recommended to download Wysiwyg module and I usally use TinyMCE plugin.


  1. Enable "Media galleries" filter on text format page (admin/config/content/formats)
  2. Enable "Media gallery picker" plugin on Wysiwyg profile page (admin/config/content/wysiwyg)
  3. Fit "media_gallery_picker_content" image style to your site (admin/config/media/image-styles/edit/media_gallery_picker_content)


I hope the attached screenshots will help.

  1. Create a Media Gallery content
  2. Upload images to your Media Gallery
  3. Create a content where you want to embed images from the gallery
  4. Push the "Select media gallery" button
  5. Type the title of the gallery in the popup window
  6. Select the image what you want to insert

Project information
