Onki admin settings
Onki user interface

Please Note!

There is a (spiritual) successor to the Onki module called Yild (Yle integrator for Linked Data) that has a provider structure for adding arbitrary linked data providers to an autocomplete lookup field using a widget. Supported providers are Freebase, Wikipedia, Geonames, Dbpedia, Finto (that this module provided). It also has several improvements over this module, such as popup boxes with image + description of Freebase terms, usage frequency, multiple providers for one single autocomplete field etc.

About Onki (the ontology service is now called Finto)

The FINTO service (previously ONKI) contains Finnish and international ontologies, vocabularies and thesauri needed for publishing your content with support for linked data. Ontologies are conceptual models identifying the concepts of a domain. They contain machine "understandable" descriptions of the relations between the concepts.

Finto is being developed as a joint project between the National Library of Finland, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

ONKI was published and maintained by Semantic Computing Research Group SeCo. The Finnish Government is also involved in the development and future proofing - press release in Swedish, Finnish and English (Google translate).

Onki module

Onki Drupal module integrates Onki service with Drupal taxonomies. This way you can use Onki terms to describe (tag) desired content types.


The Onki-module has been changed to widget based, which means there is a widget that makes a field use Onki autocomplete to find values for a term_reference field.

Right now, Onki only works as a widget for term_references to the "tags" vocabulary. If you need it for other vocabularies, please contact us and we'll push that issue to the top.

You can change the widget from structure -> content types -> manage fields -> widget column -> choose "Onki field" as widget for a term_reference field to connect it to Onki.

Please note that the Onki module adds a new field to your tags vocabulary called "field_onki_vocabulary". The purpose of this field is to hold the vocabulary from which the term is fetched (koko, yso, mesh etc).

API keys are currently not used by the new Finto service

Install and configure

1. Install the ONKI module from Drupal.org:

  • drush dl onki
  • drush en onki

2. Enable ONKI module:

  • /admin/modules

3. Configure ONKI module's settings:

There are many settings options, but the example values provided work in most cases.

After you have set up all the settings you can try the service. If you activated the Onki widget for the tags term_reference in the Articles content type, you browse to:

  • /node/add/article

You should see an Onki field which allows you to add new terms. The autocomplete feature should kick in when you start to type in your terms. If not, check your settings and specially your language and API key settings.

After you save your article you see the Onki URL, not the human-readable title. You can fix this by managing content type's display. So for example if you are using the article content type you browse to:

where you can select "Onki field" as the format. You should do this for both default and teaser display modes.

Thats it! Congratz!

Other information

This module was developed & sponsored by svenska.yle.fi (part of Yle - Finnish Broadcasting Company). The developers are Teemo Tebest (Yleisradio),Tomi Mikola (Wunderkraut) and Joakim Calais (Svenska Yle). The module is currently used in production by Svenska Yle (Launch april 2012).

Onki module makes use of CSS3.

Project's page:

Git repository usage:
git clone http://git.drupal.org/project/onki.git

The above command should be run for example in your {drupal_root}/sites/all folder.

Drupal Version:
Drupal 7.x, tested with 7.28

Project information
