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Questionaire is a full fledged package that allows anyone to start capturing simple statistical data and display that in nice overviews and graphs.

After creating questions, these questions will be dynamically linked to nodes in your system that are marked as being a Questionnaire. There are 2 built in algorythms for which questions show on which notes. The simplest just shows all Questions for all Questionnaire nodes, the second one filters the questions on Taxonomy Terms similarity between the Question and the Questionnaire node.

In a real-life example, take a CD shop where you want to ask for every CD 'Did you know this artist before you came to our site?'.

But for CD's of the type 'Country' you also want to ask 'Do you wear boots?' and for 'Rock' CD's you want to ask 'Do you wear a leather jacket?'.

Questionnaire allows you to build context-sensitive Questionnaires like that.


The above workflow works and is covered by tests. There is also a Questionnaire node type that allows you to add questions to a set questionnaire.
There are a few sub-modules that are much more unstable but extend Questionnaire with some very exciting additional functionality.

  • Questionnaire SMS integrates with the SMS framework and allows you to run a Questionnaire against a set of SMS users.
  • Questionnaire Fuzzy allows you to post-process incoming answers from the sms module to change fuzzy text into one of the provided options on the Question
  • Questionnaire Campaign integrates into search_api and allows you to move users from one Question to the other based on previous answers. Can be used to build quite complex workflows
  • Questionnaire Block presents questions from a campaign in a Drupal block, one by one. Usefull to debug SMS campaigns or to not bother your site visitors with more than 1 question at a time.
  • Questionnaire Taxonomy returns Questions based on Taxonomy Terms.
  • Questionnaire Answer contains the logic around Answers.
  • Questionnaire Views allows you to use questions, questionnaires and answers in views.

Please read the README.TXT carefully after installing.

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