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An easy to use simple helper module for making your images responsive.


  1. Loads the correct image size depending on the set image breakpoints, this means that you have to set image styles for these breakpoints.
  2. Only loads when it shows on the browser window
  3. Responsive images do not directly depend on the window's width but on the image container which can have % width of the window.

Available Settings:

  1. Enable/Disable
  2. Distance - image distance from the viewable browser window before the correct image loads
  3. Breakpoint 1 - image style if image is equal to or less than 100px
  4. Breakpoint 2 - image style if image is equal to or less than 200px
  5. Breakpoint 3 - image style if image is equal to or less than 300px
  6. Breakpoint 4 - image style if image is equal to or less than 400px
  7. Breakpoint 5 - image style if image is equal to or less than 500px
  8. Breakpoint 6 - image style if image is equal to or less than 600px
  9. Breakpoint 7 - image style if image is equal to or less than 700px
  10. Breakpoint 8 - image style if image is equal to or less than 800px
  11. Breakpoint 9 - image style if image is equal to or less than 900px
  12. Breakpoint 10 - image style if image is equal to or more than 901px
  13. Excluded Images - images to be excluded from RWDImages
  14. Excluded Pages - page paths to be excluded from RWDImages

1) All images for RWDImages must have a container block, such as div or a/span defined as a block because images will have 100% width which will follow the container's size.
2) This will only work after clearing the cache.
3) You have to set the image style breakpoints, Ex. Breakpoint 1 (100px) will use thumbnail

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So, what makes Responsive Web Design Images different?

  • No need to download additional jquery plugin
  • RWDImages jquery plugin will measure the size of the image container and loads appropriate image size through image style settings.
  • Images won't load until it's visible on the browser window, saves you time if you have multiple images.
  • You can configure up to 10 image styles to match your multiple image sizes.


Promet Source, an Acquia Drupal partner company
Daniel Honrade, author

Project information
