Smart Paging settings


Provides splitting up long Drupal content into sub pages by number of characters/words or by a placeholder HTML tag for node, user and taxonomy term entities.


  • Smart Paging feature can be applied only to CCK fields (with text format) of node, user and taxonomy term entities (Note: "Description" field of taxonomy term is not a CCK field)
  • URL for sub pages made more SEO friendly and works even for aliased URL path
  • The user has more control over Smart Paging configuration. An option is provided at "Manage Display" page of an entity type whether to control Smart Paging display behavior during content editing or at "Manage Display" page itself.
  • Weight and visibility of Smart Paging can be controlled at "Manage Display" page of an entity type (bundle).
  • Integrated with WYSIWYG module. More details here (Thanks to dalin)
  • URL appended query argument ?nopaging=1 to display Smart Paging split pages as one page (Thanks to jtoth624)
  • Integrated with Metatag module. More details here (Thanks to marcelovani)
  • Additional Page SEO (See the details at Sponsored by: The Wysiwig Smart Paging SEO by marcelovani provides the UI for multi-page metatags and its documentation can be found here.
  • Pagination with rel=“next” and rel=“prev” (See details in this Google article)
  • Token module support. More details here (Thanks to marcelovani)


It splits complex HTML markup content more accurately:

<div class="text-important">
  <p class="info">
  Long content paragraph... 
  Continuation of long content paragraph.
  <ul class="text-note">
    <li>List #1</li>
    <li>Long list #2...
    Continuation of long list #2</li>
    <li>List #3</li>

...into this:

- Page 1 -

<div class="text-important">
  <p class="info">
  Long content paragraph... 

- Page 2 -

<div class="text-important">
  <p class="info">
  Continuation of long content paragraph.
  <ul class="text-note">
    <li>List #1</li>
    <li>Long list #2...</li>

- Page 3 -

<div class="text-important">
  <ul class="text-note">
    <li>Continuation of long list #2</li>
    <li>List #3</li>



  1. Copy the extracted smart_paging directory to your Drupal sites/all/modules directory
  2. Login as an administrator. Enable the module at the
  3. Configure Smart Paging at More information about each Smart Paging configuration items.
  4. Enable Smart Paging input filter at
  5. Disable the "Convert line breaks into HTML (i.e. <br> and <p>)" input filter. In replace to
    this input filter, enable the "Convert line breaks into HTML (i.e. <br> and <p>) for Smart
    Paging compatibility"
  6. Verify that the comment tags <!-- --> are included in "Limit allowed HTML tags" list if it
    is enabled in input filter Text formats settings.
  7. Manage your Field filtered text area see for screen shots.

Modules that uses Smart Paging:

Wysiwyg Smart Paging SEO

A Wysiwyg plugin that provides the UI for multi-page metatags. read more...

Multipage Navigation

Provides navigation blocks with links for multipaged content.

It works with Smart Paging by parsing the json values and adding the title for each page. read more...


Smart Paging is being developed by Roland Michael dela Peña (arpeggio) of webfoobar. The author may be contacted if interested in sponsoring a new feature of this module or related module, Drupal consultation/installation/optimization or other Drupal-related projects.

Get involve

If you find this module useful, please consider the following:

  • Helping other users that request for a support by sharing what you know is a kind thing to do.
  • Patches are welcome. If you are developer, help fix reported bugs by sharing patches.
  • Want to help but don't have the time, giving donation would help me allocate more time to support new feature request and fix old bugs (Donate here).

Your support is much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Project information
