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SMS Bulk lets you mass send SMS to a filtered list of mobile phone numbers (users, contact lists, civicrm contacts).

This is a bridge module between smsframework and views bulk operations. This two modules are required.

It works with practically anything that can provide a phone number field:

  • cck fields (nodes as contacts lists)
  • users + core profile module
  • users + content profile module
  • civicrm contacts (trough drupal views)

It optionally integrates with civicrm and token modules.

6.1-x releases are only compatible with views bulk operations <= 6.x-1.9
6.2-x releases are only compatible with views bulk operations >= 6.x-1.9


  1. Create a view that outputs at least one field which is the mobile phone number
  2. Set view style = bulk operation and view display = page
  3. Under the view bulk operation style settings
    • select "Merge single action's form with node selection view"
    • choose 'Send sms to drupal users' under 'Selected operations'
    • if you have a large list of numbers set: "Use Batch API"
    • deselect "Display processing result"
  4. Save the view and visit the page
  5. Select the phone number field in the drop down list and write the SMS text
  6. Select the rows with recipients then click 'Send'
  7. Please contribute reporting bugs and issues

Project information
