Ubercart Limited Time Offer module

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Ubercart Limited Time Offer adds functionality to Ubercart to make a product available for a limited time in a variety of styles - time of expiration, time remaining, active countdown, and etc.

This module may be useful for those who want a simple, easily managed way of marketing products through their Ubercart site by offering products for a limited period of time. The module is themeable and allows for a number of customizations in general and per product class (product content type).

Little is required to use this module. Additional settings will appear when you create a product that allows you to make it a "timed product". That is, by checking the box under the Limited Time Offer settings fieldset and choosing a date, your product will automatically expire and become unavailable at the time you specified. Your product is not unpublished. It is still viewable.



Install as usual, see http://drupal.org/node/70151 for further information. This module also includes full uninstall functionality. However, it is still a recommend best practice to backup your Drupal database first.

Help and Configuration

The modules comes with Help page content and a Read Me file. No configuration is required to use the module, although configuration settings are available to customize your use of the module - see LTO settings under Store Administration >> Configuration. To make an existing or new product a Limited Time Offer, simply choose the option you would like under the fieldset on the node add/edit page.


Versions: As much as possible, I will try to keep updated information on versions summarized here on the project page itself.

If you are customizing/overriding the JS file AND you are displaying a node through a module (i.e. such as displaying a node through Views) - you will want to use the development release as it fixes a file path issue that emerges in the specific scenario above. Other than that, the development release only contains documentation, description, label, and similar changes - no additional fixes or functionality differences.

Update on Versions

If you using or planning to use the development release, please note that the July 10, 2010 time stamp is not correct. No code has been committed that recently. This is a general Drupal issue affecting almost all modules on Drupal.org: http://drupal.org/node/850340

Maintainer Message

Part of where I am today is based on the Drupal community and contributions of others. If this module has helped meet your needs, please help by contributing back in any way you can - answer questions in the Forums, help with Drupal documentation, report bugs, etc. It's good Karma :-)


The initial code and development of this module was based on the excellent work in the UC Auction contributed module. The javascript files, for example, are mostly similar to those provided in Ubercart Auction. The approach of allowing content type default settings was based on previous development in the Custom Node Template module.


Current maintainers: Matthew Winters (WebNewCastle) - is generally available for paid consulting and development.

Project information
