This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

You shouldn't use this module unless you're willing to maintain it. Please let me know if you're interested.

This module will *not* be ported to D7 and will not have further development. I will only maintain security fixes. Please use one of the following options:

  • Total Admin Control - allows creating multiple dashboards, with a set of conditions and content/blocks/views/cck fields/widgets. very complex because it's based on Chaos Tools
  • Homebox - allows creating multiple dashboards with blocks and views blocks
  • Dashboard allows creating multiple dashboards (but not per account) for admins to use, containing blocks (very buggy)
  • Dashboard for users - allows creating dashboards per user, using blocks (couldn't get it to work)

User Dashboard (udashboard) creates a pseudo administration interface for users who are not administrators. This module it's trying to solve a common problem when you give control of the site to users who aren´t drupal experts. From a single UI it's possible to administer the most common tasks of the site like having a tracker page, administer comments, administer users and creating content.

Currently, it's possible to define 4 pages inside the UI, all of them with custom help messages.

  1. Tracker and Welcome Page
  2. Comments page
  3. Create content page (with popups!)
  4. Administer Users page

This module doesn't depend on other modules to be installed, but I strongly recommend you to install



This module it's not complete, it's being used in a production site, but there's functionality that will be added soon (please contribute with suggestions), expect changes, maybe a different version.

There's also the possibility to add any view to the UI, there's more on this at the end of the udashboard.tabs file.

This module was created on a weekend for a project who needed it. It doesn't have all the features I'd love to see and there might be some other ways to do what it does, patches are always welcome.

Project information
