This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.
XMPP Framework is a holder that provides xmpp functionality to Drupal.
The main framework provides functions that allow the user too do xmpp actions and send and retrieve information depending on the function called.
XMPP Framework currently utilizes two transport layers, one is pure xmpp using the XMPPHP library and the other is an xmlrpc transport that is attached purely to the xmlrpc interface of the ejabberd server.
The other contrib modules supported are listed below with small descriptions:
XMPP_User: provides user correlation between xmpp users and drupal users in the system.
XMPP_Client: provides a thin client XWChat for drupal so you can use that instead of a thick client like Adium or pidgin.
XMPP Relationships: provides the ability to build relationships with users in your xmpp roster on the server via relationships you create in drupal using the user relationships module.
XMPP Messaging: dropped in the 6.2 release and is now messaging_xmpp in the messaging framework
XMPP NODE MUC: provides the ability to associate multi user chat rooms on your xmpp server with nodes on the drupal platform. This module allows you to associate permanent mucs which are always available or temporary mucs which are destroyed when the last person leaves the room.
XMPP Notifications: provides the ability to subscribe to users when they come on and offline via xmpp. This module is a hook into the messaging and notifications module.
XMPP Vcard: provides an interface to synchronize the users content profile fields with their VCard on the xmpp server and vice versa.
XMPP Roster: provides an interface to synchronize your user relationships with your roster contacts on the xmpp server.
XMPP Xmlrpc: provides an xmlrpc interface to interact with the ejabberd xmpp server instead of utilzing pure xmpp.
XMPP Api: provides a pure xmpp interface to interact with the xmpp server that you are running.
Development sponsored by OpenBand, a subsidiary of M.C.Dean, Inc.
Project information
- Module categories: Integrations
- Created by darren.ferguson on , updated
- This project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.