Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module enables you to control visibility of nivo_slider slides based on currently selected language.

A drop-down form element is added on each slide allowing the slide to be visible in one of the enabled languages as well as in all languages.

Currently a small patch needs to be applied to nivo slider for this module to work.
See Allow other modules to control visibility of slide for details


Copy nivo_slider_language folder to you modules directory.

Apply patch to nivo_slider.

Copy nivo_slider_slider.patch into nivo_slider module folder
Use the following command to pathc nivo slider

patch includes/nivo_slider_slider.inc < nivo_slider_slider.patch

Enable nivo_slider_language module

Tested with nivo_slider 7.x-1.9

Project information

  • Created by ilias on , updated