
I've created "test" and "production" (drupal 5.7) installations to my site. The production is not "real production" yet. My idea is try-out different module- and core features in my test-installation, and...

a) If the features are what I'm looking for, I remove the production installation and make a copy of the test installation to production.

b) If the features are not what I'm looking for, I delete the test installation and make a copy of the production installation back to test.

According to drupal manuals I've read, some features should be enabled in "production environment" and disabled in "test environment". One example was setting "/admin/settings/performance -> Aggregate and compress CSS files". I followed these instructions but encountered the following problem immediately:


When I try to delete files from my "production installation" over shell access, following error message is shown:

rm: cannot remove `/home/xxxxxx/www/files/css/997c0f6d6fd2fe7752a4870befebbd98.css': Permission denied
rm: cannot remove `/home/xxxxxx/www/files/css/2673946d8d46299991d99eb27a7ab52f.css': Permission denied

I can't either change the file permissions and delete them after that.

At the moment I'm unable to transfer the desired changes to production? In case someone knows what causes this problem (whether it is even the Aggregate and compress CSS files feature?) and how I can correct that, please let me know.

I can or course contact my hosting company and ask for correction, but anyway this problem will probably come up again. At least if I continue this "development process", but currently I haven't either figured out any better one.

Best regards, Harri


hartsa-1’s picture


Found out the problem. In case someone would encounter the same later...

Enabling drupal feature "Aggregate and compress CSS files" creates "css" folder and later randomly named css files in the folder. As the css folder and files are created by drupal, they owned by user "nobody" and not by me. As I'm using shared hosting account, with my current "shell and account permissions" I'm not allowed to change "nobody" owned file permissions or delete them.

The only solution I found out was to ask my hosting company to delete these files. Thus I shouldn't make the transfer from test to production too often, as it requires some help from the hosting company.

Best regards, Harri

(listed file permissions from css folder)
---------- [~/www/files/css]# ll
drwxrwxr-x 2 nobody nobody 4096 Mar 18 15:36 ./
drwxrwxrwx 4 xxxxxx xxxxxx 4096 Mar 18 15:36 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody nobody 21501 Mar 18 15:36 997c0f6d6fd2fe7752a4870befebbd98.css

vito_swat’s picture

In my case, I asked my hosting company to run a script every hour which changes user of each file not owned by me to owned by me. As the group is not changed (still nobody) drupal can also manipulate those files.


hartsa-1’s picture

Hello vito_swat,

Thanks for the tip, I'll ask this also from my hosting company.

Best regards, Harri

hartsa-1’s picture

They didn't buy the proposal, but gave a response with polite denial =)

Best regards, Harri