I don't run into many sites out there that use the comment moderation features:

  • moderation matrix
  • moderation roles
  • moderation thresholds
  • moderation votes

Are these features hot, or not?


robertDouglass’s picture

Does anyone have comment moderation working in HEAD? It looks broken to me. Scores aren't recorded and the redirect after voting goes to the wrong place. Is this feature worth maintaining?

- Robert Douglass

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killes@www.drop.org’s picture

I am pretty sure it is either borken or the setup badly documented. We should replace it by some hooks that enable users to write their own moderation features.
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robertDouglass’s picture

- Robert Douglass

Rate the value of this post: http://rate.affero.net/robertDouglass/
I recommend CivicSpace: www.civicspacelabs.org
My sites: www.hornroller.com, www.robshouse.net