Is it possible to call a banner function (series) from an HTML-command (expample: )
I'm curiuous because if you look at my testing-site you'll find a banner at the top, I've edited the theme (so it's a permanent one) and now I want it to show my managed banners.

Thanks for helping.



bertboerland’s picture

Not clear what you mean. do you have signed up for some ads running on another site (like google adsense or other?) yes than it can be done by static html in a block or in a theme. in case you want to run your own ads, you need the banner module

bert boerland

Crispy78’s picture

I've already installed the Banner module.

The Theme I'm currently using (Goofy) doesn't allow banners to be display at the top of Drupal (above the top menu that has a nice Drupal logo and links to Home, etc.).
I've editted the Theme so now a banner is displayed (in my case a banner from Help the victoms of the disaster in Asia). But this theme is static, so every time I want to change the banner I have to change the theme.
I've editted the theme so, that the link to my banner is HTML-compliant using the

Now I know there is a way to trick the

My question is what is URL can I use to display the banner(groups) I've created in the banner module. Example: activates the first banner group.

Hope you can help me.

bertboerland’s picture

"hardcoding" the giro555 in your theme is okay but not what you want. fitst of all I make a static post in such a case that I drop again after some time (like does as well when a new version is out). but what you want is the code of the banner module integrated in your theme. so thats what you should do.


bert boerland