This is a module I'd like to see happen because it would save me work and allow a sort of content sharing beyond news/blogs. I administer a lot of different local websites and many of them have similar audiences but it's a pain in the ass to go into each of them and add events. So I was thinking it would be really cool if there was a way to subscribe to events via an RSS feed or something like that so that it could automatically add events from each other the different sites to the calendar.
I've done next to no drupal coding as of yet so I was just wondering what people thought of this idea and if anyone knew of any code examples or could give me any hints on what to do to start developing this. I figure I'll just go into the code for the aggregator and event and see what can be done.
I know that something like this was talked about with the upcoming.org API but I don't think the code ever got fully developed and I didn't like the fact that they had restrictions on their API, not really GPL/free software, like you couldn't use it for commercial purposes or something. So it'd be better possibly to develop something independent of that which would allow drupal sites to share content.
Thanks for any help, hopefully I'll start coding this soon.
Event nodes are generated by
Event nodes are generated by Flexinode, so you'll need to generate an RSS feed based on a Flexinode type. This (AFAIK) cannot be done.
So one solution (or will be someday soon) is to use the views.module to generate a "view" of just the event flexinodes.
There's is a very small module (maybe only in source code on this site/project tracker) by Eaton which will then generate RSS feeds from any defined view.
On your other sites you can then use Aggregator.module to read the views RSS feed from your main "hub" site.
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