
Works with Drupal: 7.x

Using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies


Download commerce-7.x-1.6.tar.gztar.gz 359.44 KB
MD5: 951cd47b652aabd411e562c29ce7dbe4
SHA-1: cb3be1a78bb22a0c3244200e8ed68fe93cb57116
SHA-256: e5842f63d1de5e4cae7e47afce87f40a5964cdb2b7caddddde77a145093fb9ae
Download commerce-7.x-1.6.zipzip 488.62 KB
MD5: 014dc0a57ba6474584916565d788dce4
SHA-1: a5a020e3a48a8dae8cae10ebf2aa2955618c1b5c
SHA-256: 79b2514526fe898a7e28890b718007c7932551f60414f7e28685428cdcd1b7f0

Release notes

Note: if your site has non-required multi-value product reference fields that contain empty values, you may see notices when they render. If so, this has been patched here. Apply the patch or update to 7.x-1.x-dev to watch the notices magically disappear.

API changes

There are a few new functions available to use in this release noted below, but worth special mention are two very minor API changes that may require you to update code. They are:

  1. As part of #1361562, we changed commerce_field_activate() to not automatically clear the field cache if it enables a previously disabled field. If you were depending on it to flush the cache before, you should now examine its return value and clear it yourself if need be.
  2. In #1863776, we reduced the footprint of the Add to Cart form by no longer storing the entire entity in the form arguments in whose context the Add to Cart form is being rendered. Per the patch, we instead only store the entity ID and leave it up to functions interacting with data in the entity to load it themselves.

Changes since 7.x-1.5 (54 commits):

  • #1923326 follow-up by rszrama: fix a notice in the event that could not be loaded.
  • #1923326 by rszrama, jsacksick: ensure a customer profile checkout pane is configured to use a profile reference field that exists on the current order when building the checkout form.
  • #1934142 by acrazyanimal: update some customer profile module disabling code to work when a module implements hook_commerce_customer_profile_type_info() but does not return any profile types.
  • #1804982 by rszrama: update commerce_line_item_field_attach_delete() to accommodate sites using custom single value line item reference fields.
  • #1721364 by peterpoe, rszrama: allow attribute field widgets on the Add to Cart form to prepare options using checkbox and radio button properties where appropriate to avoid stripping valid HTML tags that would normally be stripped for select list widgets.
  • #1819956 by rszrama, vasike: prevent undefined index notices for users updating from versions < 1.4 when the show_single_product_attributes option was added tothe Add to Cart form display formatter.
  • #1852370 by rszrama: erase previously set payment data in order data arrays when an order update during checkout results in payment no longer being required.
  • #1880236 by rszrama: allow commerce_cart_order_convert() to support multi-value customer profile reference fields.
  • #1962144 by rszrama: update the product autocomplete callback to produce its own string of product SKUs to support the use of / in SKUs.
  • #1943602 by chx, rszrama: update entity controller save routines to not overwrite existing data when updates are performed based off updated entities originating from entity_create() or similar initialization functions.
  • #1800896 by rszrama, Damien Tournoud: ensure that anywhere we print out a price amount that has been converted from an integer we use number_format() to explicitly limit the number of decimal places displayed.
  • #1944614 by rszrama: prevent duplicate usernames being generated from similar e-mail addresses in anonymous checkout.
  • #1361562 by rszrama: resolve issues with re-enabling Commerce modules attempting to create duplicate fields; minor API change in that commerce_field_activate() no longer automatically clears the field cache if it activates a disabled field.
  • #1797156 by foopang: add an options list callback for payment transaction statuses.
  • #1645326 by rszrama: add order tokens for displaying the method_id, title, and short title of payment methods selected during checkout.
  • #1399434 by axel.rutz, rszrama: allow the Add to Cart form field handler to link products in the cart to the current_path() for non-page displays.
  • #1896072 by bojanz: do not inject product fields into the display of entity types we state elsewhere in the code we do not support, specifically line items and other products.
  • #1934554 follow-up by rszrama: break after the first payment method action is found when adding availability text to the payment method rule table.
  • #1934554 by rbayliss, rszrama: add a checkout property to payment methods similar to the terminal property allowing a payment method to be designated as unavailable on the checkout form; indicate in the payment method UI where a payment method will be available.
  • #1862942 by Cottser: replace Form API containers that manually set the form-actions class with actions container elements.
  • #1251522 by rszrama: add a custom Price field Views handler to ensure aggregated price fields always have a valid currency code that comes from a representative entity in the result set.
  • #1953028 by pcambra: remove an unnecessary hook_menu_alter() implementation in the Order UI module.
  • #1444680 by foopang, JulienD, rszrama: update the e-mail address on shopping cart orders if the owner user account e-mail address is updated.
  • Re-export all default Views using the latest version of Views.
  • #1455778 by rszrama: change the created column in the default Orders View to an updated column and make it the new default sort so the most recently updated orders always appear first.
  • #1925222 by rszrama: roll back the change to the product matching query limit introduced in 1.5 and make it configurable in the field settings for product reference fields and customer profile reference fields instead.
  • #1861170 by maciej.zgadzaj, rszrama: add an API function to determine the default product from a product reference field value array.
  • #1938774 by rszrama, Rory: add a module_exists() check to the Customer module when profile reference fields are deleted from orders, and switch to using hook_field_delete_instance() to ensure this code only executes when the field is actually deleted from the commerce_order bundle.
  • #1377872 by bander2, rszrama: change the line item quantity update handler to queue changes and batch process them instead of sequentially evaluating them.
  • #1536346 follow-up by rszrama: add the administer payment methods permission to the store admin permissions list.
  • #1536346 by m.stenta: remove a deprecated access callback for payment method rules that preserved backwards compatibility for the administer payments permission until Commerce 1.5.
  • #1941092 by rszrama: add access arguments arrays to line item and payment transaction entity definitions even though they use custom access callbacks.
  • #1896690 by joshmiller: update the payment method add form to support adding the particular enabling action during rule creation.
  • #1945758 by jcisio: work around theme_status_messages() limitation to display checkout form errors outside checkout panes.
  • #1577596 by Berdir: do not attempt to render customer profile reference field widgets when the customer profile type no longer exists.
  • #1863776 follow-up by rszrama: load a product display_context entity if necessary when determining a product URI if it is not there (as in the Add to Cart AJAX refresh).
  • by amateescu: remove some legacy HTML from the return value of our product autocomplete callback.
  • #1929630 by rszrama: use the correct permission check when generating product URIs in the Product UI module.
  • Add an API function to determine whether or not a given field instance is configured to function as a product attribute field.
  • #1835708 follow-up by rszrama: remove an unnecessary ternary operator left in the last commit on accident.
  • #1835708 by BassistJimmyJam: ensure a default language code is set on product forms if a new or existing product does not have a language code set.
  • #1352774 by rszrama, roderik: update product field injection to lazy-load the field instance array for an altered entity until we're sure it will be altered, and determine earlier in the function if the product type has specific display settings for fields on the correlating view mode or if it should just use the default settings.
  • #1893284 by Rolf van de Krol: ensure the Options Select widget is available on site before attempting to add the customer profile reference field to its supported field types.
  • #1848812 by tatyana: fix an incorrect table name in the customer profile reference field schema's foreign keys array.
  • #1924328 by rszrama: initialize an array return value in the product reference field formatter settings form callback.
  • Fix the comments on the Redirect opt-out patch.
  • #1889270 by fago: change the base table for the Add to Cart form Views field and empty cart message area handler so they can be used by other Views query engines (i.e. Search API Views).
  • #1892002 by lsolesen, rszrama: prevent Redirect module form alteration of Commerce entitiy forms.
  • #1920890 by Deciphered: add a title attribute to the quantity edit textfield for improved accessibility since it does not have a label.
  • #1863776 by bojanz, rszrama: minor API change - reduce the amount of information preserved in the array used to build an Add to Cart form, replacing the fully stored entity with just the entity_id so it can be loaded if necessary.
  • Allow the payment method Views field to display the payment method ID in addition to the various types of titles.
  • #1844552 by googletorp: set a form error on the product reference autocomplete widget if a non-existent SKU is entered.
  • #804850 by m.stenta, davidwthomas, helior, axel.rutz, cvangysel, wesleydv, rcross, rszrama: add Views integration for order revisions to match the integration for product revisions.
  • Update the product revision Views integration to establish a default relationship to the product table through the revision ID field.
Created by: rszrama
Created on: 10 Apr 2013 at 22:35 UTC
Last updated: 2 Aug 2018 at 04:56 UTC
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