I realized that content access settings are not deployable. And I want to find way how to manage it.

I will explain problem with an example:
I have local and development Drupal installations. And I want to move local content_access settings to development installation.
Let's say I want to grant "View any page content" settings only for role "Authentificated user".
Each content_access setting of each content type is stored in separate variable. And I can export it with Features and Strongarm.

After feature reverting on development installation content_access settings appears on settings from "/admin/structure/types/manage/page/access".

But anonymous users still can see all content types of type "page"! Settings are not deployable correct now.
Content_access needs call of content_access_mass_update() to rebuild node_access_records.

But I can't run in after feature revert. Because there is no hook in features. The only thing I can do is add content_access_mass_update() in hook_update. But than I will need to run this hook after each permissions change.

There are some related issues about deployment. But with no answer on my question:

Any ideas?


FMB’s picture

My solution is to force permissions to be rebuilt when all the caches are cleared:

 * Implements hook_flush_caches().
function MODULE_flush_caches() {
  $types = array('CONTENT_TYPE_1', 'CONTENT_TYPE_2');
  module_load_include('inc', 'content_access', 'content_access.admin');
a.milkovsky’s picture

That will work. But in this case you will run it on every cache flush. Better to run it once using hook_update_N().

FMB’s picture

Sure thing, but I wanted to be absolutely sure permissions were rebuilt every time we deploy, no matter what ;-) Since my colleagues are trained to flush all cache after every deployment, that does it for me™...

gisle’s picture

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