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Screenshot widget module does exactly what it appears to do from its name. It defines a widget for the image field. This widget generates a screenshot from a current page or only from a part of the page.

It can be a useful solution if you need to create a bug reporting form or a feedback. Also, it plays well with a product builder module and can generate a screenshot of a user-created product (the main purpose of the module).

Screenshot Widget Requirements

  • Core file module
  • html2canvas library

Screenshot Widget Installation Instructions

Installation instructions are quite straightforward and should not make much difficulties.

  1. Install the module as usual
  2. Download html2canvas library (version 1.0.0-alpha.12 or later) from
  3. Unzip it into libraries folder, so that there's a libraries/html2canvas/html2canvas.min.js file, in addition to the other files included in the library.

The widget has two settings: Screenshot Selector and Screenshot Controls.

Screenshot Selector - defines an area for a screenshot. By default, document.body is used as a screenshot are, so it generates the whole page image.

Screenshot Controls - defines a triggering event for a screenshot creation. By default, screenshot is being generated on a form submission. As an alternative, you can enable the "Make a screenshot" button.

The following blog article contains a useful how-to on screenshot generation in Drupal

Supporting organizations: 
Initial development

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