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Plugins for receiving a feed

NB: Core fetchers are:

  • File - Upload content from a local file.
  • HTTP - Download content from a URL.
  • PubSubHubbub - Content from feeds supporting PubSubHubbub.

Feeds Files By Media
Feeds Files By Media has a fetcher and parser to import files to entity by media.
Feeds HTTPFetcher Append Headers
Feeds HTTP fetcher plugin which makes it possible to append custom request
headers to the feed request. Usage example could be to set an API-token or authentication header to the
feed request.

Feeds Callback Fetcher
Feeds Callback Fetcher calls callback instead of files or URLs to get its content.

Directory fetcher
Feeds fetcher plugin to fetch new files from a directory of files.

Archive fetcher
Fetcher plugin which imports files from supported archive formats.

Feeds OAuth provides a Feeds fetcher plugin that performs OAuth authorization before requesting a feed.

Feeds HTTPFetcher AA (Advanced Authentication)
Feeds HTTPFetcher AA provides support for more advanced authentication mechanisms based loosely on Feeds' core HTTP Fetcher.

Clients Fetcher
The Clients module provides the ability to implement pluggable clients to external web services, including external Drupal sites running the Services module. Use together with Clients parser.

Depends on SOAP Client.

Fetches XML responses from OAI-PMH services. Also includes a parser for OAI_DC XML metadata.

Mailhandler Fetcher
Fetches emails from an IMAP or POP3 mailbox.

LDAP Query Fetcher
Takes a generic ldap query and ldap server for configuration and returned ldap entries from the ldap_query() function.

Feeds SQL
Import data directly from a database. It can be configured to use a custom SQL query that will fetch the data, then you can use whichever other processor on it to create nodes, users, etc..

Web Services Client for Feeds
This module provides a Feeds Fetcher plugin that consumes web services, and a mapper+processor that helps translate the responses into Feeds-compatible Drupal data.
It integrates the Web Services Client tool (Which handles WSDL and authentication etc) to actually fetch the source data.

FileMaker Fetcher
Feeds FileMaker imports data from FileMaker into Drupal nodes. The module connects to the FileMaker PHP API to retrieve a set of records. The records can be filtered by multiple criteria (e.g. surname = Smith, city = Dundee). Should be used in conjunction with FileMaker Parser and Node Processor.

Feeds Plupload Fetcher
A feeds fetcher plugin providing Drag&Drop file uploads.

Feeds: Import.io
Provides a Feeds Parser and Fetcher for import.io data sets.


Plugins for normalizing data for processors

NB: Core parsers are:

  • Common syndication parser - Parse XML feeds in RSS 1, RSS 2 and Atom format.
  • CSV parser - Parse data in Comma Separated Value format.
  • OPML parser - Parse OPML files.
  • Sitemap parser - Parse Sitemap XML format feeds.
  • Simplepie-parser - parse XML feeds in RSS 1, RSS 2 and Atom format with SimplePie (install in libraries).


  • Feeds Spreadsheet
    Uses the Spreadsheet Parser library which has much better performance than PHPExcel. Requires Composer to install.
  • Feeds XLS
    Provides an XLS file parser using PHPExcel library.
  • Feeds Excel
    Excel file parser using phpExcelreader.





Clients Parser
The Clients module provides the ability to implement pluggable clients to external web services, including external Drupal sites running the Services module.

FFFFOUND! parser
Parses feeds from FFFFOUND!

FileMaker Parser
Feeds FileMaker imports data from FileMaker into Drupal nodes. The module connects to the FileMaker PHP API to retrieve a set of records. The records can be filtered by multiple criteria (e.g. surname = Smith, city = Dundee). Should be used in conjunction with FileMaker Fetcher and Node Processor.

Flickr parser for the Feeds module.

Read and import vector data from OGR web services or files in all formats supported by the GDAL/OGR library.

Use CSS3 & XPath query syntax to query content of any webpage.

Create nodes with content and dates from iCal feeds.

ICCD Parser
ICCD Parser for Cultural Heritage data of Italy.

KML parser
This module provides parsing capability to Feeds so that it's possible to aggregate the contents of KML files into Drupal. It supports the extraction of the Name, Description, Longitude and Latitude fields and their mapping to Openlayers or text format fields.

LDAP Entry Parser
Parses ldap entries from ldap_query(). Works with LDAP Query Fetcher.

Mailhandler IMAP Parser
Parses email headers

Parses OAI_DC (Dublin core) metadata records, normally fetched from OAI-PMH services (but you could parse, say, from a stand-alone XML file or other source). Also includes a fetcher to fetch OAI-PMH responses (see entry for this same module under "Fetchers" above).

OFX Parser
Parse OFX files to retrieve transaction information.

Synchonrise with OpenERP open source business applications.

Parser to access the pinned photographs in Pinterest feeds

Readability Parser
Extracts the title and content of a webpage using a PHP port of Readability.

REGEX Parser
This module enables Feeds to parse data using regular expressions.

Input a SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) statement to create a feed of Salesforce data.

This module integrates with SharePoint through the SharePoint SOAP Web Services.

Parser for SlideShare slides

Social Parser (6.x only)
This module enables Feeds to parse Twitter.com, Facebook.com feeds plus others.

Spatial import
Spatial Import - a shapefile parser, allowing you to import nodes or tables from a shapefile. Integrates well with Geo and OpenLayers field types.

Feeds Topics
Parser that "parses" known RSS sources to automatically create Feed nodes on topics.

View Parser
This module will enable Feeds to take in data from a view output (from Views). Integration of data from practically anywhere.

Enhanced parser for Vimeo API feeds.

Enhanced parser for Youtube API feeds.

Exposes Wordpress-specific data in WXR files (that's "Wordpress eXtended RSS") to the Feeds module. It also includes the Wordpress Importer module (a features-package), which imports WXR files using Feeds and the Wordpress XML parser.


Plugins that process the data for Drupal

NB: Core processors are:

  • Node processor - Create nodes from parsed content.
  • Taxonomy term processor - Create taxonomy terms from parsed content.
  • User processor - Create users from parsed content.
  • Feed Node processor - Create Feed nodes from parsed content.

Node Multisource
The module provides a Feeds processor that allows you to import data into existing nodes that have been created by a "parent" feed.

Storage engine for feeds in database tables. Use feeds_entity_processor to store data once the table is marked as an entity using data.module.

Allows for the consumption of Atom/NodeRDF feeds generated by the Views Atom module, node replication between Drupal sites.

Multitable (part of module feeds hacks)
Provides processors capable of creating records in multiple tables, per input row.

Comment processor
Provides support for creating and updating comments.

User contacts processor
Import address books into user contacts table.

Commerce products processor
Provides support for creating and updating commerce products.

Self Node Processor
Allows a feed node to populate its own fields from the content in a feed.

Web Services Client for Feeds
Includes a minimal alternative Node (Unique) Processor. This removes the constraint that all nodes must be 'owned' by their single source feed importer, and allows you to update or extend data on one target node from multiple different feeds at once, as long as the GUID is in common. It would also help eliminate duplicates when aggregating from multiple sources that may supply the same item.

RedHen processor
Process RedHen contacts and organizations.

Helper modules

Feeds Tamper
This module allows you to modify data (replace or filter) before it gets saved with a processor.

Feeds Crawler
Pages through a feed, allowing you to pull in older items that are not in the initial feed.

Feeds Hacks(currently in development)

  • Exposes a UI to choose the parent of a feed node item when creating or editing the node
  • Provides actions on feeds for bulk or triggered modifications and
  • Provides processors capable of creating records in multiple tables, per input row.

Feeds Tamper: String to ID
A more versatile alternative to feeds_entityreference and entityreference_feeds in that it just lets you quickly take feeds data (eg a string) and convert it into an entityreference based on title match (not GUID or other feeds import rules).

Feeds Import Preview
This module allows you to see what your source looks like after it has been parsed.
Currently marked as experimental because it defines no permissions yet.

Feeds Quick Mapping
Allows you to edit and add mappings by typing it out comma separated in a textarea field. Intended for more advanced users as you could break your mapping config if not used carefully.
Currently marked as experimental because it defines no permissions yet.

Mapping helper modules

See an overview of mappers on Overview of available mappers

Feeds Image Grabber
Grabs image for each feed-item from their respective webpages and maps it to an image field in the node created by Feeds (Node Processor)

Location Feeds
This module provides location mappers (address and geoRSS simple) for the Feeds module.

Geo taxonomy
Module to map and store geo information (latitude, longitude, bounding boxes, etc.) to taxonomy terms.

Extract terms from any source text and map them as taxonomy on nodes or otherwise.

Term Uncle
Maps tags to a category taxonomy.

Ubercart Feeds
This module provides Feed Mappings for Ubercart items, including prices, weights (inc units) and attributes.

Aegir feeds
Provides mapping targets for Aegir site nodes, allowing you to create new sites from a feed or file upload. e.g. upload a CSV of domain names, and get yourself a whole lot of sites provisioned.

Media Feeds
Provides mapping targets for Media fields, using media_internet providers.

Scald Feeds
Mapper for Scald Atom Reference fields.

Feeds Entity
Leverages Entity API to provide new sources and targets for Feeds importers.

Installation of plugins

  1. download and install the module as a normal module
  2. clear the cache (admin/settings/performance), otherwise the option is still hidden
  3. the plugin is now available when you edit or add a feed in the respective tab (fetcher/parser/processor).