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Make Acquia Content Hub easier to use

ACH Attach JS is a module that helps to better integrate a Drupal site with Acquia Lift and Acquia Content Hub.

When Acquia Lift adds content to the page (asynchronously) from Acquia Content Hub, your js does not automatically run on the new markup. That's a problem if the new content has tabs or a drawer or a save flag or any other feature that requires javascript. This module solves that problem.

The maintainer has not worked with Acquia Lift/Personalization since 2019. New maintainers with current working knowledge of Acquia Lift/Personalization would be much appreciated.

The Library

ACH Attach JS provides a library that calls Drupal.attachBehaviors on content
that is added to the page from Acquia Content Hub.

Attaching the Library

There is a sub-module called ACH Attach JS Attacher that provides a
configuration form for attaching that library at the paths of your choice,
just like you can configure at what paths a Block should display.
Alternatively, you could attach the library "manually" in your theme's .info
file, in a preprocess function, in a twig template, etc.

Supporting organizations: 
initial development

Project information
