This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

** This Module will no longer be maintained (shocker) as this functionality is mainly present in VBO and thats what we started using internally. **

Action Views is used together with the views module. Action views adds a view type of "Action View" to the views interface. This will present your view as a table, and adds a list of actions you can perform against the results of the query executed by the view. We have taken a modular approach whereby additional actions can easily be added to the module in the form of an include file.

The typical kind of usage for this module is to execute actions against multiple records, so for example, deleting a bunch of nodes in one go; changing taxonomies for a bunch of stories in one go, etc.

Some of the actions included in this release are:

  • Content Allows you to edit multiple cck fields at once.
  • Node Allows you to edit multiple title and body fields at once
  • Profile Allows you to edit multiple profile fields at once
  • Taxonomy Allows you to edit the taxonomy for multiple nodes at once
  • User Allows you to edit (well... delete) multiple users at once

Your feedback would be most appreciated, and if you write your own plugin, please consider contributing back!

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