For different development processes I use console/terminal to encrypt simple strings via OpenSSL and additionally this Drupal module with a custom drush plugin for Drupal projects. The Encryption results between these two implementations (OpenSSL and this AES module) are differential. I suspect it is because of the different ways of padding and block cipher. Is there an equivalent OpenSSL command to this module?

Example => echo -n "simple aes test" | openssl enc -e -base64 -aes-128-cbc -a -salt

Thank you and best regards


medienverbinder created an issue.

dpovshed’s picture

Most likely you're right about the padding information. Also I would recommend to you to ckeck following options: 1) pass IV parameter to the openssl; 2) check out Key+Encrypt module combination as mentioned in #2325569: Move functionality from AES Encryption to Key and Encrypt modules