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A module for adding amazon products to your site, with custom theming, caching, automated fetching, storing & renewal of product data.

Requires an Amazon Associates account and a SQL storage backend.


Amazon Product Widget

The amazon product widget adds a field widget for displaying amazon products.

  • Input one or multiple ASIN numbers
  • Alternatively input a search query (which will show products from the top results)
  • Define how many products you want to be listed per field
  • Products are linked with your affiliate tag

Caching & product renewal

Since availability and prices for products can vary over time, the products are cached separately from the page and delivered via Ajax.

A cronjob keeps the product data up-to-date and stays within Amazons request limits (see API Rates).

Deal Feed

A deal feed is a csv file provided by amazon, which lists timed deals for products.
By adding a deal feed the products will show the deal price and the strike-through price whenever a deal is active.

Setup, Configuration & Usage

Refer to the projects Readme.

How is this different to the amazon contrib module?

Amazon Product Widget heavily focuses on product data storage, caching & renewal to ensure product availability and current prices.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
