The Apachesolr Reference module allows for the creation of Apachesolr Reference Fields (like entityreference fields). These fields can use an autocomplete widget to search for and reference objects from a SOLR instance. The referenced solr objects can then be formatted and displayed a number of different ways.

For each SOLR reference field created, builders can select which of their SOLR instances it should reference, the custom SOLR field query, which SOLR fields should be used as the;

  • unique ID value
  • label(title) value
  • url value
  • and any other additional fields available from the solr index.

The module comes with four configurable field formatters for display.

  • SOLR IDs: Lists the values you have marked as a unique IDs
  • SOLR LABEL: Lists the values of the solr field you have marked as the Label (title)
  • SOLR LINK: Lists the SOLR references as links, displaying the title field and linked to the url field
  • SOLR CUSTOM: allows the user (using tokens) to render the SOLR fields however they want


This module has a dependency on the apachesolr module.


This module is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson.

Supporting organizations: 
Development of the module

Project information
