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The Book Post module makes it easy to post information about books. Any 10 or 13-digit ISBN placed between double curly braces {{}} in a post will convert into the book cover, title, author and publication info. All data comes from the Open Library Project, an open source catalog that allows users to add books and edit metadata. If there is no cover available for the book you want to post, go on the Open Library and add one!

It is also possible to use the Open Library ID number instead of the ISBN (e.g. OL8378495M). The Open Library has fulltext available for many titles in the public domain. A "Read Online" link will automatically appear in your post if the fulltext is available from the Open Library.

There are also options to include links to WorldCat, LibraryThing, and Google Books for books that you post.

This module is based on John Miedema's OpenBook Plugin for WordPress.

The 6.x version has been tested and works fine on Drupal 5.x. If you notice any problems with the module on 5.x, please post it on the issue queue.

Project information
