Just posting this for now I'll try to figure out what I've got happening to cause this on my end.


SeanJA’s picture

The problem is that you haven't entered any Mapping Settings yet, and the plugin doesn't check to see if any mapping settings are returned before looping through them. Adding a Mapping Setting will get rid of the error messages.

cntlscrut’s picture

i have to switch to using the function that get mappings with values only.

I found that issue as well. I'll see if I can work the fix into the current versions. Right now, I've already begun development on CASAA 2. Which will be a lot cleaner.

RobinMofo’s picture

The only thing that is required in this nodeapi hook, is this $tokens array, which doesnt exist if you've not configured casaa... I just installed it but will not be the person configuring it, meaning I have to put up with the error (well I'll personally amend the offending code).

But why not just check if $tokens has values and return if there are none .. it's the most easiest change of code ever.