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Turns a regular CCK text field into a field for selecting and displaying Creative Commons licenses. Makes use of the Creative Commons web services to fetch information on the current license variations and versions for given jurisdictions.

Users looking for a Creative Commons license module should also consider:

Unlike those two, Creative Commons Widget implements Creative Commons license selection through a CCK field and so may be preferred for sites relying extensively on CCK.

To use:

  • Install the module and its dependency, Preset Widget Options.
  • At the admin/settings/cc-widget, configure the module by selecting a jurisdiction and other data. When the form is submitted, the most recent version of the license will be set automatically based on a query to the Creative Commons web service.
  • Using CCK, attach a new text field to a content type. In configuring the field, select the 'select' widget (or, alternately, radios) and expand the "Advanced options" fieldset and select "Creative Commons" from the available options handlers. This will assign the Creative Commons license field options to the field's select element on node creation and editing forms.
  • In field display, select "Creative Commons" for both full and teaser display.
  • Optionally, you may override the theme_cc_widget_cc_field_value theme function to customize display of the field. Standard display is a license icon linking to the appropriate license page on the Creative Commons website.

This module is partially supported by CivicActions.

Project information
