This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module is no longer supported, if using Drupal 7 or higher this functionality can be achieved by using custom fields and displays to show a different field within the node teaser.

This module allows you to define cck fields to use in place of the traditional node teaser. This effectively implements a CCK solution to manual teasers (priorly solved by way of the excerpt module).

The module allows an administrator to choose which CCK fields to use for a teaser. Any number of fields may be chosen in the settings page. For a specific content type, you then add the desired CCK field to your node type definition. The settings page is available in:

Administer -> Content management -> Content teasers

The module works by replacing the $node->content['body']['#value'] element on hook_nodeapi($op = 'view') when viewing a node teaser, if cck fields specified in the settings page for this module are used in the node type definition and if a value is provided in any one of those fields for a particular node.

Multiple values for those fields, and multiple teaser fields included in the same node type definition are implode()ed together, after check_markup has been run.

Development of this module sponsored by Prometheus Labor Communication.

Project information
